WorldFood Poland is a leading fair for people professionally associated with the food industry, distinguished by the scale of the event, international character, well-established position, quality, reputation, and business profile. It is a must-have in the calendars of producers and distributors from the FMCG industry, retail chains, and representatives of the HoReCa industry. The priority is the development of the fair in line with the expectations of participants, therefore the needs of the food market are analyzed on an ongoing basis, and after each edition of the fair, we review opinions and comments from exhibitors and visitors. This allows us to create the fair that the industry really needs. We listen to the voices and opinions of the participants to make each subsequent edition even better, more modern, and more interesting.

The first edition of the fair was successfully held in 2014 – around 100 exhibitors presented their offers at that time. In the following years, the number of exhibitors was steadily growing – during the 10th edition of the WorldFood Poland fair, in EXPO XXI halls in Warsaw, over 1,500 producers and distributors from 56 countries around the world presented their products. Thousands of b2b meetings were organized and a total of 150 prizes were awarded in the WorldFood Poland Gold Medal competition. “The success of the last and all previous editions of WorldFood Poland confirms that Poland is an attractive partner of the international food business” emphasizes Agnieszka Szpaderska, director of the fair.

The X edition of the International Food & Drink, Food Processing and Packaging Exhibition WorldFood Poland, took place from April 16th to 18th, 2024. The fair featured the participation of 300 exhibitors from 30 countries. Seven national pavilions from Italy, Spain, Tunisia, Thailand, Cyprus, Turkey, and Sri Lanka were presented at the exhibition, along with three regional pavilions from the Mazowieckie, Podkarpackie, and Southern Warmia regions. This year, thanks to valuable substantive programs, numerous business meetings, and many attractions, the event attracted 5,521 industry visitors. We organized 206 business-oriented trade meetings. Every day of our exhibition featured conferences and debates with a valuable substantive program, with 71 speakers participating. For the first time, a new zone for Industry Consultations was introduced, available to all exhibition participants.

WorldFood Poland 2023

The 9th edition of the WorldFood Poland was held on April 18-20, 2023. 289 exhibitors from 32 countries took part in the exhibition. 8 national pavilions from Italy, Spain, Tunisia, Ukraine, Thailand, Cyprus, Macedonia and Sri Lanka, as well as 3 regional pavilions from the Mazowieckie, Łódzkie and Podkarpackie voivodships were presented at the event. A numerous and innovative novelties introduced, attracted 5,436 industry polish and international visitors. For the first time, a new sector with plant-based alternatives was presented by as many as 26 companies as well as an all-day conference on innovations, perspectives and the specifics of this sector. NutraFood Poland exhibitors increased to 113 presenting nutraceuticals, dietary supplements and functional food. During two conference days in this sector, 24 panels and debates were held dedicated to trends and the latest regulations.

WorldFood Poland 2022

In the first after the pandemic live edition, April 5 -7, 2022, despite the restrictions and the difficult geopolitical situation, the 8th edition of the fair was successfully organized and its international character was preserved. 250 Exhibitors from 25 countries took part in the fair, including 9 National Pavilions: Italy, Spain, Tunisia, South Korea, Ukraine, Thailand, Greece, Sri Lanka, and Poland, where companies from Mazovia presented their offers as a part of the Pavilion of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. The NutraFood Poland sector, dedicated to dietary supplements and functional food, enjoyed great interest, both among Exhibitors and Visitors. For the first time in this sector, a full-day Meet Up 2022 conference was organized.

WorldFood Poland 2021 Virtual Expo

The 7th edition of WorldFood Poland was unique – for the first time in a new virtual form. In the online event, April 20-22, 2021, 158 exhibitors from 22 countries and 2,166 logged-in users representing mainly wholesale and retail trade, food production, and gastronomy participated! The platform created especially for the needs of the WorldFood Poland trade fair mapped all possible trade fair interactions in a virtual model, giving the entire community related to the food industry the opportunity to meet in one place and time. In 3 days, 13,734 text messages were sent, 2,547 audio connections and 1,836 audio-video connections were made. The total time of the video meetings was 12,120 minutes, which is over 200 hours!

WorldFood Poland 2019

The 6th edition of WorldFood Poland turned out to be a record-breaking number of Exhibitors and Visitors – over 350 Exhibitors and 7,000 visitors, presentations and exhibitions, B2B talks, numerous lectures and shows, panels of experts and entrepreneurs. Buyers from 19 countries participated in almost 400 trade talks organized as part of the VIP Buyer programme. There were also buyers from chains operating in Poland. For the third time, Bellavita Expo, the largest Made-in-Italy food and drink fair, has joined forces with WorldFood Poland to promote traditional Italian food and offer visitors a unique opportunity to discover unique products.

WorldFood Poland 2018

That year’s edition confirmed that WorldFood Warsaw is a very important point in the calendar of business meetings of decision-makers from the food industry, as well as those related to the market of organic products and nutraceuticals. That year’s edition was attended by 300 Exhibitors from 24 countries and over 6,000 trade visitors. The EcoFood sector, dedicated to organic food, has turned out to be one of the most dynamically developing sectors. Responding to the needs and trends in the food market, where consumers are constantly looking for new products and products that have a beneficial effect on health, the organizers decided to expand the offer of the fair with the NutraFood Sector dedicated to functional food and drinks, dietary supplements, nutrients, herbs, and other health-promoting products. The 5th edition of the fair, April 10-12, 2018, was held for the last time under the name WorldFood Warsaw. Due to the dynamic development over the last 5 years and the truly international character of the fair, starting in 2019 we invite everyone to the fair under a new name: WorldFood Poland.

WorldFood Poland 2017

For three days, April 11-13, 2017, 300 Exhibitors from 25 countries visited the capital city of Poland during the 4th edition of the WorldFood Warsaw International Food and Beverage Fair. Among them were representatives of Greece, Thailand, Ukraine, Italy, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, South Korea, Iran, Sri Lanka, China, and many other countries. In a special B2B talk zone, 350 meetings were held with representatives of retail chains, HoReCa chains, food wholesalers, gas and vending stations, alcohol stores, importers, and exporters, including representatives of Auchan, Ekowital, Green Caffe Nero, La Passion du Vin, Lukoil, Maczfit, Organic Coffee, Tesco, and Żabka. Italian flavors and fragrances have taken over visitors and exhibitors through workshops and culinary demonstrations with the participation of famous and respected chefs. The successful debut of the Italian pavilion Bellavita was guaranteed by over 60 Italian food and drink producers who presented authentic Italian products, distinguished by quality, brand, and history.

WorldFood Poland 2016

Three years ago, less than 100 exhibitors took part in the first edition of WorldFood Warsaw. And today we have twice as many! 250 Exhibitors from 24 countries and 4,000 Visitors, including 128 representatives of national and international media, and numerous foreign delegations. This is a short summary of the last 3rd edition of WorldFood Warsaw. “Competition in the global food market is fierce. I am glad that such an initiative is taking place in Warsaw, where representatives of the food sector have a chance to meet. I hope that thanks to this event, even more Polish products – tasty, valuable, and ecological, will appear on European tables ”- with these words Zbigniew Babalski, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, opened the 3rd edition of the WorldFood Warsaw International Food and Beverage Fair. In order to meet the expectations of visitors, that year the organizers created a special EcoFood zone, where producers, processors, and distributors of certified organic food and natural food with low processing and the so-called clean label. Additionally, an entire conference day was prepared entirely devoted to the organic food sector.

WorldFood Poland 2015

The 2nd edition of WorldFood Warsaw attracted almost 200 Exhibitors from 28 countries and over 3,300 Visitors, of which as much as 20% were foreign Visitors. For the first time, a special zone for B2B meetings was organized between Exhibitors and representatives of key commercial networks from Poland and abroad, attended by buyers, among others with: Auchan, SPS Handel, Topaz, Organic Farma Zdrowia, Ekowital, Biedronka (Jeronimo Martins Polska SA), Promarket, World Cuisines, Carrefour, Makro Cash & Carry, Tesco, WSS Społem. 94% of visitors were decision-makers in their company.

WorldFood Poland 2014

The 1st edition of the WorldFood Warsaw 2014 International Food and Beverage Fair was attended by 94 producers and distributors of food and beverages from 24 countries and over 3,000 visitors, almost 50% of whom were representatives of the trade, distribution, import, and export sectors. As many as 78% of the exhibitors of the first edition declared that they had established business contacts that were significant for the company and that the great interest of buyers from retail chains, producers, and FMCG distributors confirmed our belief that the food industry fair in the capital city is an accurate response to the needs of the market, companies, and trade.
