Opening hours for Visitors

8 April 2024, Tuesday 10:00-17:00
9 April 2024, Wednesday 10:00-17:00
10 April 2024, Thursday 10:00-15:00

Location and access

EXPO XXI Warszawa, ul. Ignacego Prądzyńskiego 12/14, 01-222 Warszawa
Set the route on Google maps


Parking is paid. Limited underground and above-ground parking spaces are available.

first hour 8 PLN
each additional hour 6 PLN
whole day 60 PLN


The cloakroom is payable PLN 3 and is located in the main hall of the fair facility.

Food services

There is a restaurant and a cafe on the premises, open throughout the fair.


Special offer for accommodation during the fair. Details available here.
